Sunday 10 May 2015

Weekly Recommendation - Week #038 - Fight!

HOLY GOSH DARN WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN CHRIS? The art department at my college. For a long time. Well now that my art a-level is out the way, I can refocus on the recommendation (at least until exams in a few weeks. So in today's recommendation, WE TALKING ABOUT FIGHTS! AND CAPS LOCK! I myself am a former member of the C Wars fighting team (yes I named my own fake wrestling company after myself, I've always loved myself a bit too much) in which I took the name Mr X, and battled many fierce opponents, so I know a thing or two about fighting. Also I should mention I was like 8 and it was really not actual fighting but you know. So tip up your cup and throw your hands up, and let me hear the party say. This has become a really stupid intro. Like [name redacted] levels of stupid intro. Lets fights.

The Raid - Gareth Evans (Movie) - Author: Chris

So if you know me (or read that one recommendation in which I talked about the Raid 2), you will know that I adore these Raid films. And if you've read that last sentence, you will know I've already recommended the second one, which is literally the only reason I'm recommending the first one now. I mean I adore the second one, but the first one is super good too. It's a stupidly simple plot, in which a swat team attack a tower block, and move all the way up to take out the main bad man. That is all the plot is, and it makes for one of the best action martial arts films of recent, and I cannot get enough of these damn films. Also they are making a third one so AAAAAAAAAA YES!

Kung Fu Fighting- Carl Douglas (Music) - Author: Dasha

I have had this song stuck in my head so much lately. I always thought the lyrics were “Everybody loves Kung Fu Fighting” but I later discovered upon researching the real lyrics that it’s actually “Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting”, though I still prefer my original misheard version. It’s silly, and so ridiculously cheesy that it makes me feel instantly better about everything. It’s also got an excellent tune that includes everyone’s favourite Asian-themed riff in the chorus, ( and like all good catchy songs, it’s also great to dance to. Definitely recommended for parties, Kung Fu themed hang-outs, and for if you want to annoy friends.

Mortal Kombat X - NetherRealm Studios (Game) - Author: Chris

THE TRAILER HAS CHOP SUEY WOOSH! So recently I have been playing nothing but Mortal Kombat X (or MK X if you have no time, or Mortal Kombat 10 if you are a dirty try hard), and it is, in my (and in a lot of other people's) opinion, the best fighting game out there. Like of all time. Everything about it is ace, the presentation, the character design, the story (yes the story mode is actually good, unlike every other fighting game story), the animation, how it plays EVERYTHING! If you are new to fighting games this is a good way to start, but at the same time if you are a fight stick vet, you will also love this, it caters to all. From MLG folks to people who like a bit of local fun and games (seriously, test your luck is the funniest game mode in anything ever), this game covers it all. ALSO JASON VOORHEES AND THE PREDATOR ARE CHARACTERS WHAT!

So that was a bit smaller than normal, for the simple reason that I am very out of practise. I promise it will be better next time, pretty promise! Don't forget to fight everyone you love and care about, as well as your enemies, as fighting can be fun as well as not fun!

Also, I might do a proper review thing of Mortal Kombat X, and any other film or game that I think deserves a lot of writing. What do you guys think? Do let me know mi amigos. Peace and love (no autographs.)

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