Sunday, 17 August 2014

Weekly Recommendation - Week #006 - Irregular Interests

Just like humans, Darren and I both make assumptions that we won't like something based on things such as genre, first glance or whether it can beat us in a knife fight. However, sometimes we dare to venture into the danger zone, and occasionally, we discover something that is buried in the piles of shit, filth and corpses of people who lost in knife fights to bloggers, something that can truly be considered good, maybe even great. Here are just some of those things. Oh and on a side note, knife fights have been moved to Thursdays. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Oldboy - Chan-wook Park (Movie) - Author: Darren

Oldboy is a fine example of Korean cinema. It has a fucked up plot and gory, low budget action sequences that are still fantastic. The plot follows alcoholic shit head father, Oh Daesu and his attempts to track down his captor and find answers. Honestly, that's all there is I can say about the plot
without dropping spoilers but rest assured, it's good, if predictable but maybe that's my superhuman brainpower at work.
For those of you who don't speak Korean, there's an English remake which, personally, I didn't like as much (it was pretty mediocre). It is, bizarrely, more disturbing than the Korean version and doesn't contain the squid scene.
Check out this trailer if you're interested. [] As far as I'm aware, the original can be found (with subs) on Netflix.

Make It Bun Dem - Skrillex & Damien "Jr. Gong" Marley (Song) - Author: Darren

What can I say? For starters, this song is fantastic but that could just be my introduction to it. The way I was introduced to this song was that one mission in Far Cry 3 where you take a flamethrower and burn some weed fields (and people. Hey, you get caught up in the moment). The song adds so much to the
mission and really get the player into the mindset of the game's protagonist. Generally, I'm not a huge dubstep fan, but for this, I will make an exception. It really does have a lot more impact and appeal during the mission mentioned. Check it out if you don't own Far Cry 3 (maybe someone will stream it one
day) []

Road Trip Adventure - play it (game) Author: Chris

So back when I was a small Chris, I was still as avid a gamer as I am to this day. However, as I was young and foolish back in the day (unlike now, in which I'm slightly older and foolish), I was quite narrow minded about my selections. So when I acquired Road Trip Adventure, and saw the cover that reminded me of a racing game for children, I was sceptical. How wrong I was. Road Trip Adventure is a beautiful game for PS2, in which you are a sentient car (which you name) and go around a world full of other sentient cars, doing missions and races. What's so good about that? Well I'll tell you right now. It's free roam. You have to travel through massive expanses of land, to get to each task. Not only that, but you actually have fuel. If you run out in the middle of nowhere, you have to fast travel back to a town you have previously visited, and go to a petrol station. It really makes you feel vulnerable in this big, silly world of sentient cars. The level of content in this game is superb is well, ranging from races, modes, cars, parts and so on. You even get your own town that evolves as people move there and set up business. It is so easy to get engrossed in this gorgeous and innocent world. God I want to back there. At the time of writing, I just found out it was re-released as a download on the PS3 store. You don't realise how happy this makes me. I don't think I can
recommend this game enough.

You do not realise how hard this week's choices were. Darren and I consider ourselves to be quite open when it comes to such things. We tend to dive into every genre whenever possible, to really broaden our minds, and generally become better people. Except for rom-coms. Because fuck rom-coms.
Tune in next week for a very special recommendation. Can you dig it, suckas? - Chris

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