Sunday, 24 August 2014

Weekly Recommendation - Week #007 - THE WARRIORS (1979)

Can you count, suckas? Good for you. This week (and every week really) we recommend to you The Warriors. That's right, all three recommendations will be The

Warriors. Movie: The Warriors. Music: The Warriors soundtrack. Game: The Warriors. Can you dig it?

The Warriors - Walter Hill (Movie) - Author: Darren & Chris

As a long time fan of The Warriors, I can honestly say I still enjoy it every time i see it. It combines dark themes and (in hindsight) cartoonish violence seamlessly. Set that to some of the best music the 1970's has to offer and a sweet synth-rock soundtrack and you have a recipe for a classic.
The Warriors themselves comprise of nine (there's more, just not plot relevant) guys who act as a single protagonist. It's very much them versus the world or the gangs and police of New York. The character's themselves are a varied bunch, ranging from naive newcomer to sexually aggressive sociopath to natural leader. The protagonists aren't the only good characters, the other gangs are varied and have their own distinct style. On this note however, is the villain, Luther who is an engaging character who feels legitimately intimidating. [Darren]

Now. This is the big one. The thing that started it all. The fucking film. I'm going to be honest, I saw it for the first time yesterday, but that is because I   wanted my first time to be in a cinema (god grow up), and thanks to FACT that happened. Now what can I say about this movie? Well I suppose I should start with the plot. A gang of men called The Warriors (roll credits!) attend a meeting between all of New York's street gangs. A major issue goes down, and The Warriors are falsely accused. They have to fight their way back to their part of the city, scrapping with all manner of gangs (It's really superb every time a new gang appears). It's creates a really tense feeling of not only fearing arrest, but the fearing being beaten to death by the strangest (in a good way) bunch  of humans you will ever see. I fucking love it. Now no film is complete without a soundtrack, and the music completely goes with the film, a combo of synthy rock and licensed music really makes you feel like you are in the era. (Darren will discuss the soundtrack in detail, so I'll leave it at that.) he fight scenes are really well done, instead of feeling like your usual Hollywood scripted fight with shaky camera and fast cutting so you can't figure out what is going on, the camera remains still and cuts remain Infrequent so you can see how heavy the fighting is. Men punching each other in the face, throwing each other through solid objects, and clobbering each other with bats has never been so great to watch, it's superb for damn sure.This film is so bloody iconic, with the marvelous "can you dig it?" and the the really repeatable " warriors come out to play," you'll be quoting this film forever. I know I will. Become addicted to this film and it's extensions. It's worth it. I actually want to be a math teacher now just so I can say "can you count suckas?" to my students. Golly I have odd life goals. [Chris]

The Warriors Soundtrack - Barry DeVorzon (Music) - Author: Darren

One of the finest things about The Warriors is the soundtrack. Composed by Barry DeVorzon and featuring a handful of licensed tracks such as Nowhere To Run by Arnold Mculler and In The City by Joe Walsh (co-written by Barry DeVorzon) and the previously mentioned synth-rock which gives the movie a unique sound that I've not really heard elsewhere. It's not just the music, it's how it's used (am I right, ladies? AM I?). It's always fitting, except the credits theme which is still appropriate, and adds a lot to the atmosphere. Did I mention it's bloody brilliant?

The Warriors - Rockstar Games (video game) - Author: Chris

As some may be aware, I adore both Rockstar and their games. Max Payne 3 and GTA 5 are two of my favourite games to date. So when I found out that that same company made a game about one of the my most recent favourite films? I had to check it out. I'll get the flaws out of the way really quick so I can tell you why it's superb. The camera movement Is really shitty. Okay done. Now, the ascetic of the film is really well captured in the game, from the look of the game to the music to the location to the character design. It all adds up to a really unique feeling game. Not to mention the fighting mechanics are top notch, you really feel like you are clobbering suckas in the mean streets of New York, each hit feeling like a brick colliding with a human skull. You can even do just that, it's superb. It even has a neat versus mode so you and your friend can battle to see who the best street fighter is, either one on one or with four AI troops standing beside you. Now that is a game that I can dig. Can you?

There you lucky bastards have it, go see The Warriors, listen to the soundtrack and play the game. It's an experience you won't forget (in a good way). The future is ours, regardless of whether or not you can count*.

*Counting is mandatory.

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