Sunday, 17 May 2015

Weekly Recommendation - Week #039 - The Wild Wild Wasteland

So when it comes to making themes, I often struggle (unless it is a special day like mother's day or whatever). However this time around, an idea came straight to my head days in advance. Simply put, I saw Mad Max Fury Road and holy shit it is good. So it got me thinking, "what other good stuff is set in an apocalyptic wasteland?" There is a surprisingly large amount of stuff actually. I bet you can guess what I'm going to recommend already though.

Mad Max: Fury Road - George Miller (Film)

HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS MOVIE. That could be the recommendation right there, I'm not even joking. This film has not only earned the right to use the title mad, but it should have complete ownership of it. This is one of the most insane movies I have ever watched, in fact, it is THE most insane movie I have ever watched. This film is staggering, the look, the pace, the story, the costumes, the practical effects (there is so much practical stuff) the soundtrack, the characters (so many strong female characters good lord), the EVERYTHING. Nothing will prepare you for how good this movie is. It is bonkers and I want to watch it over and over again. Best film of 2015 so far, do not wait for this one to come to DVD, see it in the cinema. It's so worth the money.

The Final Countdown - Europe (Music)

When you think apocalyptic music, you tend to think of gritty, twisted and empty pieces. However, if you want that, you ain't gonna find that here. This is the cheese, and mother of mercy I love me some cheese. It's one of the most stupidly catchy 80's tracks there is, and it absolutely refers to the apocalypse. It's all about the world ending and the final countdown to that point. There really isn't much to say, everyone's heard this song. I mean listen to this thing. I would watch the world end to this. And now it's stuck in my head. Top.

Fallout New Vegas - Obsidian Entertainment (Game)

This was a hard one, I mean I adore both Fallout 3 and New Vegas. However, in the spirit of Mad Max, I picked the one that had the most desert. Also because the title of this piece is named after a perk in New Vegas. So it's a game in which you make a person, go out into the wasteland of Las Vegas, and do whatever. You want to kill everyone? Do it! You want to gamble all your caps away? Do it! Want to wear nothing but a fedora and run around drinking out of every radiated toilet you can find until you literally die from it? You paid for this game, knock yourself out. It is a cracking apocalypse-em-up, just like 3, and you will get a lot of hours out of this. ALSO FALLOUT 4 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MY GOSH!

A friend of mine once said "Judgement day. The day I've been waiting for," in reference to a Wirral specific apocalypse that you guys don't know anything about. Quite honestly, if any of these products have taught me anything, it is that the end days for planet earth will be bleak, insane, and a hell of a lot of fun. It'll probably just be really boring actually, it will be a capitalist caused thing and it will be super dumb. Ah well.

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