Sunday, 31 May 2015

Weekly Recommendation - Week #040 - Wait, I Thought the Eighties Were Over?

It's a well known fact that things often make comebacks. This can include all sorts of things, from one-hit wonder bands trying to make a name for themselves by making new music but people only want them to play that one song they did that one time, to confectionery that people petition to be brought back from their childhoods that they stopped making due to the fact that it was probably tearing them apart one sugary bite at a time. Enough about specifics, because I'm directly referring to an entire era. That's right, the eighties (good guess.) Not only are people once again falling in love with the neon glow of the past, but they are trying to replicate it in various media forms. So to carry on the comeback of the eighties, I'm once again recommending eighties stuff, but rather than actual stuff from the eighties, stuff from the now! That's trying to pretend it was from the eighties! Like I did in the first eighties recommendation! Because I'm a lazy idiot! Exclamation marks!

Kung Fury - LaserUnicorns (Movie)

So the world seems a bit obsessed with this crowd sourced, completely free to watch movie, and with good reason, because it is one of the greatest things to grace the eyeballs of mankind. If you love dumb homages to the eighties, then this is right up your alley punk. VHS effects, neon, awful voice-acting, awful one-liners, dinosaurs, nazis and, most importantly, David Hasselhoff. I'm not even joking, they got David Hasselhoff to do a song for it, and it's cracking. In fact, the entire soundtrack is synthy and phenomenal. Did I mention this movie was free? GO WATCH IT PUNK! WE NEED SOME ACTION! There is really nothing else to say, it's phenomenal. Like insanely so.

In Decay - Com Truise (Music)

I could have easily recommended the soundtrack to Kung Fury, but I'm not going to, because then I would have had to make the game the Kung Fury game. Which I was going to do, but I haven't played the game yet so yeah, I had to improvise. This album is classic 80's revival music, but instead of the more intense music that you'd get from say Perturbator or PowerGlove, this is a lot calmer, and is in fact actually really soothing and relaxing. I adore the gentle synthy tones of Com Truise. This album helps me get through a lot of things, college work, revision, stress, this current piece of writing, this list goes on! I can't count how many times I have listened to it, and I hope I get you hooked too. Also, look how rad that album art is. Groovy. Speaking of Perturbator...

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - Devolver Digital (Game)

FUCKING HOTLINE MIAMI 2! It is well known from the fact that I talk about it so much, listen to the soundtracks so much, and wear the jacket from the main character so much, that I absolutely adore this franchise. I recommended the first game in the original eighties piece, which you can find here, This game is just like the first game, but with more levels, more character variation, a crazier story, and ONE OF THE GREATEST SOUNDTRACKS EVER CREATED. SERIOUS LISTEN TO THIS, AND THIS, AND THIS! Then calm down with this beautiful piece that I actually want at my funeral. If you love ultra-violence, getting angry, insane soundtracks, and dying over and over, this game is perfect for you. Also they're adding a level editor, complete with cut-scene editor, so you can basically make Hotline Miami 3. Or the tale of the Neon Avenger (whoops secret project hush hush.)

Make no mistake, I love the eighties, but I do not believe I was born in the wrong era, no sir, I believe I was born at the perfect time. Why? So I can enjoy all this eighties revival stuff while I'm young. Peace and love guys.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Weekly Recommendation - Week #039 - The Wild Wild Wasteland

So when it comes to making themes, I often struggle (unless it is a special day like mother's day or whatever). However this time around, an idea came straight to my head days in advance. Simply put, I saw Mad Max Fury Road and holy shit it is good. So it got me thinking, "what other good stuff is set in an apocalyptic wasteland?" There is a surprisingly large amount of stuff actually. I bet you can guess what I'm going to recommend already though.

Mad Max: Fury Road - George Miller (Film)

HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS MOVIE. That could be the recommendation right there, I'm not even joking. This film has not only earned the right to use the title mad, but it should have complete ownership of it. This is one of the most insane movies I have ever watched, in fact, it is THE most insane movie I have ever watched. This film is staggering, the look, the pace, the story, the costumes, the practical effects (there is so much practical stuff) the soundtrack, the characters (so many strong female characters good lord), the EVERYTHING. Nothing will prepare you for how good this movie is. It is bonkers and I want to watch it over and over again. Best film of 2015 so far, do not wait for this one to come to DVD, see it in the cinema. It's so worth the money.

The Final Countdown - Europe (Music)

When you think apocalyptic music, you tend to think of gritty, twisted and empty pieces. However, if you want that, you ain't gonna find that here. This is the cheese, and mother of mercy I love me some cheese. It's one of the most stupidly catchy 80's tracks there is, and it absolutely refers to the apocalypse. It's all about the world ending and the final countdown to that point. There really isn't much to say, everyone's heard this song. I mean listen to this thing. I would watch the world end to this. And now it's stuck in my head. Top.

Fallout New Vegas - Obsidian Entertainment (Game)

This was a hard one, I mean I adore both Fallout 3 and New Vegas. However, in the spirit of Mad Max, I picked the one that had the most desert. Also because the title of this piece is named after a perk in New Vegas. So it's a game in which you make a person, go out into the wasteland of Las Vegas, and do whatever. You want to kill everyone? Do it! You want to gamble all your caps away? Do it! Want to wear nothing but a fedora and run around drinking out of every radiated toilet you can find until you literally die from it? You paid for this game, knock yourself out. It is a cracking apocalypse-em-up, just like 3, and you will get a lot of hours out of this. ALSO FALLOUT 4 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MY GOSH!

A friend of mine once said "Judgement day. The day I've been waiting for," in reference to a Wirral specific apocalypse that you guys don't know anything about. Quite honestly, if any of these products have taught me anything, it is that the end days for planet earth will be bleak, insane, and a hell of a lot of fun. It'll probably just be really boring actually, it will be a capitalist caused thing and it will be super dumb. Ah well.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Weekly Recommendation - Week #038 - Fight!

HOLY GOSH DARN WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN CHRIS? The art department at my college. For a long time. Well now that my art a-level is out the way, I can refocus on the recommendation (at least until exams in a few weeks. So in today's recommendation, WE TALKING ABOUT FIGHTS! AND CAPS LOCK! I myself am a former member of the C Wars fighting team (yes I named my own fake wrestling company after myself, I've always loved myself a bit too much) in which I took the name Mr X, and battled many fierce opponents, so I know a thing or two about fighting. Also I should mention I was like 8 and it was really not actual fighting but you know. So tip up your cup and throw your hands up, and let me hear the party say. This has become a really stupid intro. Like [name redacted] levels of stupid intro. Lets fights.

The Raid - Gareth Evans (Movie) - Author: Chris

So if you know me (or read that one recommendation in which I talked about the Raid 2), you will know that I adore these Raid films. And if you've read that last sentence, you will know I've already recommended the second one, which is literally the only reason I'm recommending the first one now. I mean I adore the second one, but the first one is super good too. It's a stupidly simple plot, in which a swat team attack a tower block, and move all the way up to take out the main bad man. That is all the plot is, and it makes for one of the best action martial arts films of recent, and I cannot get enough of these damn films. Also they are making a third one so AAAAAAAAAA YES!

Kung Fu Fighting- Carl Douglas (Music) - Author: Dasha

I have had this song stuck in my head so much lately. I always thought the lyrics were “Everybody loves Kung Fu Fighting” but I later discovered upon researching the real lyrics that it’s actually “Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting”, though I still prefer my original misheard version. It’s silly, and so ridiculously cheesy that it makes me feel instantly better about everything. It’s also got an excellent tune that includes everyone’s favourite Asian-themed riff in the chorus, ( and like all good catchy songs, it’s also great to dance to. Definitely recommended for parties, Kung Fu themed hang-outs, and for if you want to annoy friends.

Mortal Kombat X - NetherRealm Studios (Game) - Author: Chris

THE TRAILER HAS CHOP SUEY WOOSH! So recently I have been playing nothing but Mortal Kombat X (or MK X if you have no time, or Mortal Kombat 10 if you are a dirty try hard), and it is, in my (and in a lot of other people's) opinion, the best fighting game out there. Like of all time. Everything about it is ace, the presentation, the character design, the story (yes the story mode is actually good, unlike every other fighting game story), the animation, how it plays EVERYTHING! If you are new to fighting games this is a good way to start, but at the same time if you are a fight stick vet, you will also love this, it caters to all. From MLG folks to people who like a bit of local fun and games (seriously, test your luck is the funniest game mode in anything ever), this game covers it all. ALSO JASON VOORHEES AND THE PREDATOR ARE CHARACTERS WHAT!

So that was a bit smaller than normal, for the simple reason that I am very out of practise. I promise it will be better next time, pretty promise! Don't forget to fight everyone you love and care about, as well as your enemies, as fighting can be fun as well as not fun!

Also, I might do a proper review thing of Mortal Kombat X, and any other film or game that I think deserves a lot of writing. What do you guys think? Do let me know mi amigos. Peace and love (no autographs.)