Tuesday, 24 February 2015

The big announcement! Darren does a thing!

Super announcement time!

So to be as blunt as possible, Darren is no longer doing the weekly recommendation, meaning that I, Chris, will be soloing it most of the time. Except for sometimes because he will chip in every now and then.

Now this does not mean he's done with the site, oh no, in fact, it means more content. Darren will be doing a new thing, which I won't give any spoilers for now, but it's really good and coming sooner than you think.

"But why?" you maybe asking. Have we fallen out? Has he done a Michael Jackson and left the proverbial Jackson 5 to become a better solo act? Some third rhetoric excuse? Well, it's actually just because he's bored of it. So put your weary mind at rest little peacock.

This is a bold new step for this gang of idiots, and I hope this means we can expand and become an even better site. Who knows? Maybe I'll actually finish some of the other content I personally have planned? (Ha! Fat chance!) 

Have a top Tuesday egg rolls!
 -Chris (Max's favourite part)

1 comment:

  1. I feel like Darren himself should have made this announcement... COWARD! PHONIE! JOKING! DON'T BE OFFENDED!
