Sunday, 21 December 2014

Weekly Recommendation - Week #023 - Merry Chris-tmas & Darren Exists Too, I Guess

So, Christmas is ahead of us and Hanukkah behind (I think). That just leaves us with one thing to do. One that matters, anyway. Darren is back from the dead and here to spread the holiday joy or something. Many people have requested the use of necromancy but Darren came back of his own volition to recommend shit to you. Well, not shit because bodily waste isn't a category for the weekly.
Let's get under-way then, it's almost 2015 and we have one last recommendation to work on (other that this) before we become completely different people.

Die Hard - John McTiernan (Film) - Author: Chris

Ahh the age old question: Is Die Hard a Christmas film? Of course it bloody is, it's set at Christmas, it has Christmas music in it and John McClane does that one thing with the "ho ho ho I have a machine gun," therefore it has to be a Christmas film, end of discussion. Oh what's that? It wasn't originally released in December? WELL NEITHER WAS IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE SO BE QUIET! Anyway, Die Hard is an absolute classic. Bruce Willis plays John McClane, a cop who gets caught up in this crazy heist and has to shoot all of the bad people and Snape because the real cops are a bit shit. It's a top film that, to be honest, I'd be surprised if you hadn't heard of it. I think everyone has heard of Die Hard, it's just one of those classics. It's tons of dumb fun, the action is over the top, and, this is a personal thing, they use a shit ton of blood squibs instead of CGI blood, which looks really dumb and amazing at the same time. Check it out if you haven't, and if you have, do it again, it is Christmas after all! YIPPEE KI YAY MOTHER FUCKER!

If It Has To Be Christmas - Simon Vilkund & Pete Gold (Music) - Author: Darren

So, we all have our opinions on the Christmas and this adequately conveys mine (Chris' too, I believe). It's from the Payday 2 Christmas Soundtrack and is the only song not really about robbery. That leaves us with a question: Why are you so talented Darren? Well, I'll tell you. It's because I relentlessly apply this attitude to myself. Also, the song's is about the Christmas season, if you care about that. Why would you? We were talking about me, after all.
On the subject of being selfish and what the song's about, it's about that too. Give it a listen and tell use what you think, if you have the capacity to process thoughts that is.
Enjoy, wankstains:

Batman Arkham Origins - Warner Bros. Games Montreal (Game) - Author: Chris

"WHAT'S THIS GAME GO TO DO WITH CHRISTMAS?" You probably ask quite aggressively. Well, it's set on Christmas eve, so there you go. You then proceed to ask "BUT ARKHAM ORIGINS IS SHIT ISN'T IT?" Well, you are actually wrong there good sir. People seem to have this idea that Origins is awful, well it's actually a really bloody good game. I myself am an unbelievably massive fan of the Arkham games, and I firmly believe that this one is a solid entry. It plays exactly like the previous two, which is one of the things people think is bad about it, but hey, if it isn't broke, don't fix it, and, lets be honest, the Arkham games are far from broke. So, Origins tells an origin story of sorts, surprise surprise, as we see Batman still fighting as a vigilante, unlike Asylum and City, in which he is on good terms with the cops. Black Mask puts a bounty on Batman's head and a combination of well known villains and some really obscure ones try to claim it. Being an Arkham game, that is not at all all there is to it, but that's the basic plot in a nutshell. If you loved the previous games, you will get a massive kick out of this one, but if you are new to the series, I seriously recommend starting from Arkham Asylum, but don't let people convince you to skip Origins, it's well worth your time. Oh, and they added multi-player for some reason, which I actually really enjoyed. Go figure. OH AND AS ALWAYS THE SOUNDTRACK IS PHENOMENAL GEE I ALWAYS SAY THIS.

Well that's it, those are your Christmas recommendations. We could have made last week's recommendation the Christmas one, so you would have time to acquire these things while it wasn't last minute, but hey, the thought is there right guys? But seriously, have a lovely Christmas everyone, and thank you for sticking with us. Seriously, we're so close to hitting the six month mark it's unreal. You guys are the knees of a giant bee. Which is a bit creepy.

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